Goblin Army so far and still plenty to go!

Hello there!

My name is Christopher James, and this is my first post on Blogger, where I'll focus primarily on Kings of War in regard to tactics, battle reports, and painting. I first started playing table-top miniature games when I was 16, where I casually played Dungeons & Dragons and competitively played Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition. Ever since then, I've been hooked onto the fantasy aspect of wargaming and fancied the competitive side of it (which Kings of War satisfies very well). My main armies in Kings of War are Ratkin and Goblins (currently working on Empire of Dust), and my goal for 2018 is to go to more GTs and qualify for US Masters 2018. I hope to get some battle reports and tactic articles up as soon as possible. I also hope to upload my painting progress on the last of my Goblins and the upcoming Empire of Dust.

Until then, I hope you enjoy your stay, and I hope to talk to you all very soon!


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